Lets Get Technical

A blog about codes, standards, and best practices for solar, energy storage, and microgrids

Let's Get Technical

A blog about codes, standards, and best practices for solar, energy storage, and microgrids

Code Corner: 2023 NEC Article 691 Large-Scale PV

In this installment of our Code Corner series, Ryan Mayfield takes up the scope, special requirements, and engineering design for large-scale PV systems not owned and operated by utilities (i.e., 2023 NEC Article 691).

Display of PV Arrays followed by interactive inverters, a transformer, a substation, and them to the utility grid.

Section 691.4 enumerates key compliance details – access, markings, voltage ranges, monitoring – for PV systems with a minimum of 5 MWac of inverter generating capacity.  Section 691.6 provides the documentation any proper engineer-stamped system design ought to have. 

Check out Ryan’s 8-minute explanation of the most relevant portions of Article 691:

You can also find more of our Code Corner videos on the Mayfield Renewables YouTube channel. Contact us to start a project or learn more.

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