Ask Mayfield Anything


Helping suppliers and end users understand what’s happening in solar and energy storage

Join Mayfield’s live webinar series featuring diverse perspectives and expert opinions on the most relevant topics in solar and energy storage. Ask Mayfield Anything attendees hear from various presenters in manufacturing, codemaking, project permitting, and fire safety.

During webinar planning and straight through live recordings, Mayfield accepts questions from attendees and blends them into the discussion. After each episode, attendees come away with a well-rounded understanding about industry best practices, product solutions, and technology trends.

Our Most Recent AMA

Staying Ahead of the Curve: Updates to UL 9540A & UL 3141

January 29, 2025

For emerging industries like PV and energy storage, engineering codes and standards often struggle to keep pace with the products and projects they’re designed to regulate. Code-making bodies must adapt quickly to new technologies and installation methods.

In this edition of Ask Mayfield Anything Ryan Mayfield was joined by experts from the Mayfield Renewables team discussing two standards updates with significant impacts. Topics included updates to the “large-scale fire tests” relating to UL 9540A/B and CSA800 for energy storage systems. The panel also discussed power control systems and the shift away from UL 1741CRD with the adoption of UL 3141.


Lucas Miller, Senior Engineering Consultant | Mayfield Renewables
Tyson Bittrich, Market Research Analyst | Mayfield Renewables
Yogesh Singh, Principal Engineer | Mayfield Renewables

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Ryan Mayfield

Since 1999, founder Ryan Mayfield has been committed to raising the bar on renewable energy industry best practices.


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